This country in these days is very afforadble. The best fares on Air China include $808 from New York to Shangai and if you want you can take a flight from Guangzhou and $951 from Los Angeles to Beijing.
For example you can use flight from Las Vegas to Kona for $479 and you can use this too from New York to Lihue for $536.
LAN airlines have great deal, great flights to Lima starting at only $499 from Miami, and from New York to Lima for $599, and one more from LA or San Francisco to Lima for $699.
New York City, New York
For example, resorts in New York is offering some really nice deals where you will save up to 15 to 25% per night. The starting price is $179 per night.
Istanbul, Turkey
From example, you can use flight from Huston to Istanbul for $799 or you can take a flight from Washington DC to Istanbul for $399.
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