1. The Wizarding World from Harry Potter I think that most people have fantasized about getting into Hogwarts at this point… or at least living as a Muggle aware of the magical world around them. As I have mentioned before, I’m a total Harry Potter nerd. If the wizarding world were real, I’d probably die of happiness and totally miss its awesomeness. Just picture it: Anything you want just a spell away, a world full of magical creatures and you get to play Quidditch. Now that’s what I call fun.
2. Jurassic Park from Jurassic Park The modern world needs some dinosaurs to spice things up. While I would never want to have to run away from a terrorizing T. Rex, it would be fun to interact with the cuter, nicer herbivore dinosaurs. Maybe I could even have a pet dino like the Flintstones (random cross-reference, but you get my point).
3. Pandora from Avatar I realize that Pandora was somewhat similar to a certain Disney movie, but it did have a few distinct differences from that movie. The Pandora world has beautiful plants that light up when you look at them, flying animals you can ride, and an awesome healing tree. The whole getting-it-on while connected by hair part freaked me out, but the Pandora terrain is beautiful.
4. The North Pole from Elf The North Pole from Elf is an interesting combination of the North Pole of our Santa Clause fantasies and the different places in Candyland. Just a few highlights of its greatness: Elves, snow, toys and giant candy canes. Plus, it feels like Christmas all the time. It sounds wonderful to me. On that note, I think I’ll spend the rest of the night playing Christmas music. It’s not too early, is it?
5. Neverland from Peter Pan I have issues with the whole “growing up” nonsense, so Neverland always seemed like a great place to me. You get to stay a kid forever without the worst part of being a kid, i.e., having to listen to your parents. Even sword fights with Captain Hook sound fun, especially with all the flying around you get to do.
6. Space Station from Zenon Zenon was the ultimate rebellious teen was I kid. What helped her gain this title was the fact that she did all of her mischief from space. The space station, although falling apart, allowed a kid to explore without gravity and roam through hidden passages via random stairs. It just sounds like a lot of fun to be able to live completely apart from Earth while still being in contact with all the things going on there.
7. Wonderland from Alice in Wonderland A completely crazy world where I get to celebrate my unbirthday 364 days of the year? Sign me up. I want to be best friends with the Mad Hatter, play croquet with flamingos and have philosophical chats with the caterpillar. I realize that the evil queen should probably deter me from wanting to live in Wonderland, but I’m going to imagine my Wonderland as the post-Queen of Hearts era.
8. Storybrooke from Once Upon a Time I have a slight obsession with fairy tales and this show brings them all to life. It may seem dark and dreary right now, but I have a feeling that they’ll all get their happy ending and restore Storybrooke to the fantastical world that it originally was.
9. The Chocolate Factory in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory The chocolate factory is a sweet-tooth’s dream, especially mine. There’s life-size candy everywhere and a chocolate river. Everything is edible in the chocolate factory and most things have interesting side-effects. I’m a big fan of the singing oompa-loompas too.
10. Narnia from Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Another world where all my mythical creature dreams come true. The world of Narnia has a mysterious quality to it since it’s difficult to get to and when you’re there, time in the real world slows almost to a stop. The idea of going off into a different world for days and years without missing a beat of reality is strangely alluring to me. I would be able live two different lives at once.
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